Moving Announcement
After six months living in Thailand, it’s time to hang up our sarongs and hit the road. Discover our 7th move location on our latest moving announcement.
After six months living in Thailand, it’s time to hang up our sarongs and hit the road. Discover our 7th move location on our latest moving announcement.
When in Vietnam, eat the same bahn mi every single day. Wait what?! See our travel guide to Hoi An, Vietnam, otherwise known as the lantern town break down.
If you’re planning a trip to central Vietnam, we highly suggest visiting this charming yet gaudy coastal gem. Dang ol’ dang, Da Nang… we’ll be back.
This may not be my first rodeo, but it could be yours. Read our guide about how to move to Thailand without a clue, cause let’s face it… I surely did not.
While Vietnam may never have been high on my list of SE Asia travel spots, I’m stoked I finally made it. Read more in my Vietnam newbie guide to Hanoi.
Five years later, we are still traveling long term and prepping for our 6th move! From Costa Rica to Maui to Bali to Australia to New Zealand, we’ve lived in some of the world’s sexiest places. This year we’re also changing it up a bit, so find out more about our upcoming destination on our latest moving announcement.
After nearly 1,500 days of living the slow travel life, we are here to share our lessons after 4 years of traveling. It’s been a weird and wild ride, y’all.
Located only a short boat ride from Bali, Nusa Lembongan & Nusa Ceningan are the best beachy, badass Indo island getaways since sliced bread. Wait what?
Want to have a magical ocean experience without the risk of death-by-stinger? Join the club. Go swimming with manta rays in Bali, just off of Nusa Penida!
Holy mother of whoa! After more than 1,000 days on the road, we’re still kickin’. Check out our lessons after 3 years of traveling. E-high fives all around!