Y’all Are Weird And I Dig It
I discovered something truly wonderful in a truly terrible place – search term phrases in my website analytics. Y’all are weird and I dig it.
I discovered something truly wonderful in a truly terrible place – search term phrases in my website analytics. Y’all are weird and I dig it.
We’ve done it! From Texas to Costa Rica to Maui, we’ve made two years of travelin’ look damn good. Enjoy our Lessons After 2 Years of Traveling.
Please enjoy our Travelin’ Fools poem, titled Libre, about the land of Pura Vida and also our former home in the beautiful country of Costa Rica.
You know what’s cooler than having a one year old child? Having a one year old travel blog! JK. Help us celebrate as Travelin’ Fools turns one.
It’s been a whole year since we began slow traveling our way around the world. Holy crap! Check out our life lessons after 1 year of traveling.
It’s the first guest post by Boyfriend Peter Rimkus. Hip, hip, oh yay! Check out his lessons in photography, both above and below the surface.
Cost of living isn’t always about the dollar amount, but that’s certainly a good place to start. Check out our Cost of Living in Texas, Costa Rica and Maui.
It’s here! Check out Spread the Love: The Day. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, start at Spread the Love and make your way back here. Enjoy!
We love Costa Rica and all its weirdness and beauty, but sometimes you have to know when to move on. Here’s why we are leaving paradise.
It’s not Jamaica, but it’s the closest you’ll get to it in this charming, beautiful, Caribbean flavored beach town of Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica.