Maui VW Camping: Day 2

Maui VW Camping: Day 2

Driving a camper van to Hana is a brilliant idea, and don’t let anyone tell you different. Read our tale of Maui VW Camping at Wai’anapanapa State Park!

Paris: The Fun Seeker’s Guide

Paris: The Fun Seeker’s Guide

This isn’t the stick-in-the-mud guide, the see-it-all guide, or the best-ever guide. This is Paris: The Fun Seeker’s Guide. ‘Cause I’m fun, and so are you.

Paris 101

Paris 101

There are a 101 reasons why Paris rocks, but this isn’t that list. I’m just here to help you be less of a douche when you arrive. Here’s my Paris 101.

Stargazing on Haleakala

Stargazing on Haleakala

If Jan was a man, Jan would be da man. We recently had the chance to go Stargazing on Haleakala, and duh… we took it. Here’s a tale of a sexy Saturday.

Adventures in Salty Websites

Adventures in Salty Websites

We all cry sometimes. For me, those times are usually when I’m trying to fix a website, including this one. Enjoy my tale of adventures in salty websites.