One Night on Lanai
If you enjoy glamorous camping without the douchey “glamping” title, definitely spend at least one night on Lanai, mostly because it’s freaking radical.
If you enjoy glamorous camping without the douchey “glamping” title, definitely spend at least one night on Lanai, mostly because it’s freaking radical.
Like germs, red meat and sand in your hair, it’s just one of those things people find the need to worry about. Here’s our advice for Avoiding Rock Fever.
While it’s generally a pretty good bet in most places you go, rest assured that camping on Maui is like waking up in the arms of Mother Nature with a bong.
Think you can’t have 5 Dollar Fun on Maui? Roll your way over here and let me tell you something, brah. It exists. And it rhymes with schrollerschkating.
You know what’s cooler than having a one year old child? Having a one year old travel blog! JK. Help us celebrate as Travelin’ Fools turns one.
We’re so fancy, you already know. We’re in the fast lane, from Maui to… the other side of Maui. Check out our Fancy Fun day with Maui Roadsters!
What does emergency preparedness look like in paradise? Ask Hurricane Iselle & Julio.
After almost a year of living in tropical perfection, it’s time to give you a full Maui Financial Breakdown of our expenses & finances. Pity money accepted.
It’s been a whole year since we began slow traveling our way around the world. Holy crap! Check out our life lessons after 1 year of traveling.
While Maui is awesome 95% of the time, there’s the other 5% that no one talks about. Check out our list of 5 weird things you didn’t know about Maui.